
Sunday, March 29, 2009

'not funny'

OMG, this is 'not funny'!!!!! Oh, dear Padma, looking good as always eating a tasty burger, mmmmmmmmmmm.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Don't upset the Rhythm

I just love this awesome song!

Wall-E vs Watchmen

What if the director of the Watchmen, Zack Snyder made Wall-E? I think this would be the result. It would be so epic. Just watch.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Fragments of excellence: Existence of pain

This is a new segment, I like to call this: Fragments of Excellence. In this segment I share fragments of some of my scenario-work. In the past I have written a lot of screenplays, scenarios and scripts, but I never shared them with anyone. So I am going to share them with you guys in this segment. For my first post on that segment, I introduce to you: Existence of pain. This is a pretty intense, emotional scenario. It is about a guy who is addicted to self-hurting, he has a pretty sad emotional past, so he develops a method to express himself, so he hurts himself.

Existence of pain: The self-reflect scene.

A dark dark bathroom, with a sink on the right, the toilet on the left. A purple bathroom rug in the middle. The moonlight is shining through the window and hits the mirror. A few drops of blood are falling into the sink, tiny drops are making a puddle of red messiness. Like an ocean of blood, the sink is red like someone spilled red paint into it. There is no pain, only blood.

I stare to myself in the mirror, tears are flowing from my eye, falling into the red puddles of blood Why am I doing this? Why can't I stop? There is always a reason to stop and there is always a chance to stop, but I just can't stop. Is it because I love the feel of the knife into my body, or the needles that are piercing my skin? This is far more intense than that. As I look at my hand covered with blood, I realize that I don't feel pain. A normal person feels pain. Maybe I am not normal, maybe I am out of this world. The blood is sliding down to my elbow, making lines of blood on my arm. The palm of my hand is completely covered with blood, I rub it on my face and I look in the mirror. Who are you? Why are you doing this? Are you still the same Jonathan, or are you a demon that took control. Every time I feel hurt or my heart is crushed, I have the urge I hurt myself. When the blade is cutting in my body, I feel saved. The blade is my savior, everybody that is hurting me are the demons. The blade helps me forget, the blood isn't covering my body, no it's covering my pain.

A knocking at the door, is it mine? No, it's the neighbors. I don't want to see my friends looking at me like this. They wouldn't understand, they come from this perfect life, with no sorrow. It's not that I hate them, but they wouldn't understand my pain. Well, not the pain with cutting myself. The emotional pain throughout my entire life.

As I sit on the ground and look at the ceiling, the blood is drying up. And the pain is getting lesser, it is gone? No, this pain wasn't even a fragment of the entire crap in my life. I want to scream but that doesn't work for me, so the cutting helps. All my life I wanted to be someone else, but I still struggle. This life is hard, harder than a bricks. I know what they say: “ it only makes you stronger”. But it's not working on me, I only hurt myself more and more...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Hey Hermano

Hermano in spanish means brother, so this post is all about brothers. First of all, I have one brother, his name is Ernst. He means the world to me, although we have some differences and we have a different style, I love him to death. My brother is nine years older than me, but he is most deff my best friend. We live together, yeah, we're roommates. There are some hard days, but we always manage to work things out. My brother had made some changes in his life. Like me he went through a lot; bad break-ups, the birth of Alysha and many more stuff. Alysha, his daughter means everything to him, you can see that when he holds her and kisses her with all the love in the world.

Lets go many years back, when I was a little squirt. I remember when he first brought me to Amsterdam. Like me, he is a shop-addicted and he brought me to that fabulous world. I remember we went by train and we strolled through the city, he bought ofcourse shoes and clothes and I got toys and we ate at KFC. He had a job back then, he worked in a store and he always bought stuff for me, toys and shoes. I still have some toys that he bought for me, I cherish them with my heart.

Lets go more years back, when we lived in Hoogeveen. My mother always shares this story. It all happened in the snow. My mom can't drive a car, so she did everything by bike. So on this fine snowy day, she got in her bike and I sat in the back seat and my brother went by his own bike, we all went to the store. The way to the store went perfectly but the way back was slightly different. There was a snowy storm, but we needed to go home, because of the cold. So on the way back a huge storm hit us, my brother fell on the ground like my mom and I flew a few meters and landed in the snow. My mom checked on all of us, if we were okay and yeah, we all were okay. You, are properly thinking, that is not a great story. Well, to me and my brother that story means a lot. The fact that I was with my brother and my mom, means a lot. We survived a 'storm' together, if we could survive that, then we can survive everything. So the years that followed, we all went to stuff, but we always stay together. My brother, my hermano, was always the one who took care of me, when I was a little kid and even now, all grown up. And I will always be his little brother and I always be there for him, always got his back and in a way I take care of him. I know times a rough now, but I am here for you man! I love you!

This reminds me of my brother and I.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I love the OC. One of my favorite characters is Seth Cohen and in the second season there was Alex. She is so cute and awesome. The second season of the OC was awesome thanks to her, so thank you.

This is one of my favorite episodes of the second season: The SnO.C.

And she is most deff a 'not funny' girl!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Main Event

I grew up with wrestling, I know what you are thinking. It is fake, everything is played out. I know that, but like I said, I grew up with wrestling. Hulk Hogan was my favorite wrestler, his charisma, his image, I loved it all. Over the years, I get to know with other great wrestlers, like: 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair, 'Macho Man' Randy Savage, Sting, Chris Benoit, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin and many many more. Now my favorite wrestlers are: Triple H, Shawn Micheals, Mr Kennedy and CM Punk.

And on the fifth of April these wrestlers will have a match at one of the biggest event ever: Wrestlemanie XXV. It is the 25th anniversary and it will be more than awesome! Every match at Wrestlemania is a main event! First, CM Punk will compete in the money in the bank match. That is a special match. Eight wrestlers will compete and their goals is to capture a briefcase with a title shot for any championship at any moment within a year. The briefcase is located high above the ring, the only way to capture the briefcase is climb with a ladder, but there is a lot of competition, so it will be a big big challenge for the wrestlers and I forgot the mention, every thing goes, so the wrestlers can use chairs, ladders, tables and many more as weapons.

Shawn Micheals will compete against a legend, The Undertaker. This guy is really badass. He is undefeated at Wrestlemania, he already won sixteen Wrestlemania matches in a row. So this match will be legendary. Shawn is an icon, he always performs at his best and he is truly mr. Wrestlemania and the Showstopper. Every match with Shawn is spectacular.

And last, Triple H. He is the current WWE champ. He will compete against Randy Orton, The Legend Killer. This match is for the title. Randy Orton has some bigg issues against Triple H, this match is also personal, because Randy did something to Tripple H's wife, so it will be intense and brutal. So I can't wait till the fifth of April, it will be epic!

Here are some promos of some past Wrestlemanias

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Can't get enough...

I love Tamia. For those who don't know her, she is an amazing singer, with a silky angel voice. Many many years ago, I listened to her music intensively. It brings so many memories back, I made me remember the time at high school. When I had a major crush on a girl. I was into her. Thus the song: So into you.

Years go by and she didn't want me, but I still like Tamia, hihi. So I listen more of her songs and lyrics, she has really strong songs, together with that cute voice. Yeah, friends I have a crush on her. I wish a girl like that was in my life, makes my life much better. So I am going to share some more songs of her with you guys, I just can't get a enough of her.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The reason why

Every moment in life is linked with a song or movie. This song by Rachael Yamagata is linked with a curtain moment in my life, listen carefully to the words and you will understand. My friends, she is amazing, just like the song. *sigh*

Unleash the Beast...

Everyone has a other body experience, everyone is feeling like someone else. At a curtain point you feel like a beast, like a demon, like a totally different person. Everyone has this experience, whether you are good or bad. It's the same thing as the Hulk, when doctor Banner feels angry and he transforms into the beast, that we like to call the Hulk. Our inner demons and beasts are based on emotions and feelings. When you feel angry or mad, your entire
body changes, your whole posture changes with your emotions/feelings.

If you read my blog on a regularly, you know I have a segment that I call: Inner Battle. One of those combatants is the Beast. This one is filled with rage and anger, he doesn't show it's face that often, but it is a scary sight my friends. Luckily, I didn't unleash the inner beast. I am happy that I can cage that reckless animal. But I am going to share that feeling with you guys.

The anger and disbelieve are pumping through you body, your rage is bulking like crazy. You feel like the mad man is taking control. It is like when the most diabolical person wants to crush you and take over. Sometimes it is okay to take over by that demon. Sometimes it is okay to unleash the beast. All you anger wants to break something or hurt someone. Some people can obtain this fierce beast, but some, well lets say, they are weak. The inner beast takes control and for a minute you feel an outer body experience.

I remember many years, I had some issues with the beast. After a series of events, the beast showing it's true colors. Every event has an emotion, some not that pleasant emotions. Every disappointment and pain has a double effect, the pain is twice as cruel. I am not going to share every inch of memory that I got with you, but the events I've been through wasn't really fun. But learned from everything, it made me a stronger and better person. I cherished life and appreciate my friends, it is making me not feel alone. But the beast hasn't lost, it is a part of my life, it is a part of me. When the times get rough, I will unleash the beast...

Wondering where you are...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Dark Passenger where art thou?/The darkness chronicles

Is the dark passenger pleased? Will he finally shuts his mouth and stop with the craving? No, the dark passenger is still here, but he is waiting and he is pondering a plan. What new things does he want? It looks that the dark passenger wants more than material stuff, he needs something, somebody in his life. You can buy the world, but it is only pleasant to share it with somebody.

Sitting in a room, with all the things you crave already bought. With the desire of wanting more, you are never completely satisfied. How can you feel happy when you can't share with somebody, showing that somebody your stuff, share your cravings. Not only cravings but also pain. To be honest, the dark passenger is kinda lonely, he is that dark spot in the room, nobody watches, he is the feeling everybody dislikes.

The darkness, everybody lives in some sort of darkness. Everybody feels something when the darkness falls. When it is dark you kinda put your life in order, you organize everything. Every pain or happiness comes to order. The darkness has something mysterious, something that makes you think and wonder. In the dark you even see images, you use your fantasy to create pictures, some good some bad. Some create hearts or other fun images, other bad images like demons. But whatever you make, it is all in your head. Life is like that, you can blame life on the bad things that is happening to you, but you make all those choices. The things you choose will take effect on your life, everybody has one role in life and that is making the right decisions. With bad decisions there is only one to blame and that is you± But it is not that easy as it looks, do the right thing is really hard. You are constantly in fight with yourself, it is like the inner battle.

Sometimes I sit in bad staring into the darkness, thinking, think about my next move, thinking about my life. You fantasize about your perfect life, you hear the noises you want to hear, you smell the smells you like, you see the people you life and want to love. In that perfect life, you make the right choices. I make the right choices, I don't make bad choices. But I sometimes I do. Everyone makes bad choices. The world we live in, is not perfect. The darkness is my friend, the darkness helps me forget the world we live in. The darkness is making me turn into a person I want to be.

As I sit here, with my laptop, listing to Kings of Leon - Use somebody and stare into the black space, my mind becomes empty. Nobody to share this, no-one to share this empty bed. Yeah I could use somebody. You are wondering: "are you depressed, are you emo"? No I am not depressed nor am I an emo. I don't wake up with hate or with the feeling i want to slash my wrists. No, I am not like that. It is normal to feel like there is nobody to share feelings. My friends, yes I am normal. Everybody feels like this at a curtain point in your life. When you see pictures of a lovely lady or see somebody on the street that is absolutely cute, you want to share your life with her, but it can't be. Of course it is normal to fantasize like that. Of course there are curtain people you are rather be with, but face the music, sometimes you need to be happy with what you got. Life is short, spend it all on whatever you want!

As I listen to the words of Caleb, I understand the song. The darkness I sit in, is helping me to understand. In this darkness you can concentrate much better, all your senses are responding better than in the day. The best way to listen to intense songs in the darkness. The darkness is you friend. I listen... I close my eyes... My mind is wandering away..., going to that special place in time and space. Thank you dear darkness, I share these feelings with you. I am not alone...

-strike first-
-strike hard-
-no mercy-

grts, mig

Colbert called it!

Last week it was Oscar night, but a few days before Stephen Colbert predicted the winners. Yes, He called it!

The new MigFly

As you can see, I have a new lay-out. This lay-out is more awesome than the old one, thanks to mister Wesley. I salute you!

With a new lay-out, comes new posts and this segment I like to call, triple F. It stands for Food, Film and Female. Every now and then, I post a new dish or something delish, an awesome film that I saw and to end it an awesome female that crossed my eye.

So first up: Food

I love Beef Wellington and Gordon Ramsey can prepare a mean Beef Wellington. But I am not that keen on mushrooms, but you can easily replace that for something else like herbs or tomato. I tried it once with bell peppers and it was awesome! Here Gordon's version.

Next up: Film

The other day I saw The wrestler. What a great film! It was Mickey Rourke at his best. That movie made a huge impact on me, it changes the way how you look at the wrestling company. Mickey as Randy 'The Ram' really intense and you are feeling how he is feeling. You feel his pain and very emotion he got. Not only Mickey was splendid, but also Marissa Tomei. The way she acted in the movie was marvelous. My advice, go see the wrestler and be amazed!

And last but not least: Female

This one goes out to Zooey Deschanel. Her acting skills and singing abilities are making her a star and she is extremely cute! She was great in Yes, Man and I loved her in Weeds. Sometimes I was I could meet a girl just like her, yup making my life much better!