
Tuesday, September 30, 2008


We were off early from school, so we went to visit an awesome store called: American Book Centre. 

It's an Honor

No comment

Maybe we need this to save the world. 

Kevin Smith is Awesome!

Wesley giving Hawkeye a hand. lol

Monday, September 29, 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

@ Jin's birthday bash

Yes, Jin made this, it was her birthday, it was so much fun and cozy. A evening to remember, yeah, it was splendid!

mmm a beefy day

I prepared two dishes today, with main ingredients: beef & beans.

Beef & Bean Quesadilla.

Mexican Beef & Bean tart. 

Looking Classy

Oh, yeah, finally a picture of... ME. It's been a while since I post a picture of myself, but today I was in a pretty good mood. I looked awesome and felt good, so I thought, yeah, let's make a picture.  

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Behold the Megatron Grill

This is one of my best friends, the Megatron Grilll. He is very loyal to me and makes the best meat! He uses his decepticon wrath to cook and grill the meat!

The Megatron Grill went berserk and grilled some fish!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

First day of Work

Yeah, it is Sunday and I had my first day of work. Yes, you are reading it good, I have a job again. I work at a mens clothing store, it's kinda fun and I get paid for it. So today my first day and it went well. I sold stuff and I was proud at myself. Yeah, a big step for me, hihi.

mmm, breakfast, yeah I ate noodles with ribs and shrimp and it is gooooood!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Lovely Saturday

A beam of the sun hits my eye, time for some sunglasses. Yeah, it was a lovely Saturday. I spend this glorious day with my parents in Amsterdam, we're visiting my aunt & uncle. We ate like too much again at her place, she cooked too much, like usual. 

Kid with Class in the morning, drinking tea. This how classy people drink their tea, with a straw!



mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I love Asian/Javanese/Suriname home-cooking!

Lethall Weapons! Peppers of Mass Destruction!

Friday, September 19, 2008

"Not Funny" 3

eah, I found some more awesome "not funny" women, trust my friends these women/girls are really girlfriend material, hihi.

A for Awesome

Ummm, what's on the menu, you know what, let me decide it for you.

I wanna have peace with you, part 2.

I don't care what people say, but Sienna is still one of my "not funny" women!

Furby? You should play Pokemon with me!

Silver rolls of Awesomeness

Yeah, these are rice rolls filled with chopped meat. We call them: Lempers

When you make Lemper, you need to boil rice for it. It's a special kind of rice, it's sticky. On the pictures is the result of the rice that is stick on the bottom, it's kinda crunchy but tastes really good!

Look at that coloring

This movie is truely a masterpiece!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

It's fishy time!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Yeah I got cooking skills!

Meal of champions!

Kid with class

Do not disturb her when she is watching her series, you well get a smack!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Lonely Hearts Club

What a lovely morning, but emptiness runs through your body. Why? How can it happen that you feel sick to your bones, but nothing is wrong with you. The sun showing it's face, the warmth is sneaking into your room, but still, what is it? You open your eyes and try to think, I am going to have a good day, I am going to live by day. Trust me my friends, that doesn't work all the time.
So the true feeling is emptiness and with that feeling, you enter the Lonely Heart Club. A secret club for the lonely hearts. When you pass a curtain age, you desire companionship. The Lonely hearts Club isn't an emo club for self haters, no it's a secret club for people who are just craving for something or someone. You can have a perfect life, with succesfull job lots of money, but you miss something in you life.

to be continued...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Busy Bee

Yeah, I am so sorry my friends, I have so much time to spend with school and less with the blog. But i'll make it up, soon there will be more post about room raiders, more pictures and more interesting posts about stuff, but you have to wait my dear friends, your patient will be granted. 

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Thursday, September 4, 2008

"Not Funny" 2

Yeah, it's back, some "not funny" ladies. Let's also to take a moment to go on a trip down memory lane, back to the a curtain day and that day was the 9th of August, Jenny Owen Youngs concert. There was a girl who stood by the audio or something but she works there, she looked kinda rock but she was like extremely cute with the most incredible smile! The song was: Transmitter Failure. We had a moment, I smiled and looked at her and she did the same. We shared a moment!

I wanna have peace with you!

Goodmorning miss Miller

Can we go brainstorm together?

Seriously "Not Funny"!

Yeah, let's hide together!

Monday, September 1, 2008

The Wait is Over!

Yeah, my first day of school with lesson, how was it? Like awesome, I learned a lot and met other classmates, yeah, it was pretty much fun. The sun stood high and I had an enjoyable day! Finally, no hard labor work, but hard school work. Was the wait wurthy, hell yeah!

So, a big school and the return of my student free travel pass, is a great way to begin my new life, the school life! Remember the "not funny" girls? Like there are so much "not funny" girls! So could this be the era of the new dawn? Who knows, will it finally be my year, who knows?

to be continued...